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The first part of the media meeting by the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy;

Dehghani: Developing a knowledge-based economy by creating a platform for people's cooperation

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy spoke about the activities, plans and future policies of this Vice Presidency in the first press conference with the presence of media members.

In the first meeting of the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, the programs and strategies, actions and plans ahead of this vice president were described and explained.

The role of the media in promoting the discourse of knowledge-based economy

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy in this meeting, referring to the role of the media in promoting the discourse of knowledge-based economy and reflecting the achievements of the ecosystem of technology and innovation, stated: The people and respected members of the media are helpers and supporters of the people of knowledge-based economy, and by promoting and Introducing the achievements of this field, while reflecting the achievements and capabilities, are the basis for encouraging, persuading and attracting interested people from students to elites to work in this field.

Dehghani, pointing out that to be on the path of growth and progress, the country must take steps towards becoming a knowledge-based economy, he said: Considering the emphasis of the country's upstream and strategic documents and the emphasis of the Supreme Leader as the highest-ranking official of the country and attention of the seriousness of the 13th government, in the people's government, the mission of developing the knowledge-based economy was added to other missions by the vice presidency of science and technology, and now there are more than 8,500 knowledge-based companies that have reached a desirable mass for transformation.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, referring to the role of knowledge-based companies in promoting the GDP, said: With the new policies that are being designed and implemented in the fourth generation of the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, we hope to see an increase in the share of knowledge-based economy of gross domestic product (GDP).

Development of 20 thousand knowledge-based companies in the horizon of 2025

The head of the National Elites Foundation pointed out that the efforts are aimed at connecting all the capacities of the companies to the structure of the knowledge-based economy, and continued: Knowledge-based companies must reach the quantity and quality, or the so-called optimal mass for creating an effective role. The strategy of these companies is vital in the field of economy. Therefore, we consider increasing the number of companies a necessity. Based on the calculations and evaluations, we believe that in order for the knowledge-based economy to play its minimum share in the gross national product, we must reach at least twenty thousand knowledge-based companies by the horizon of 2025.

Referring to the 100 percent increase of knowledge-based companies in 2022 compared to the previous year, Dehghani said: Until 2021, the number of 6,500 knowledge-based companies had been approved. The number of 700 companies was approved in 2021, but in 2022, more than 2021 companies were approved, which shows a double growth compared to the previous year. A total of 8,400 knowledge-based companies were reached. It was difficult to double the number of companies within one year. Last year, all efforts were focused on creating new companies while growing existing companies. With all existing restrictions, last year there was a 100% growth of companies compared to 2021.

He added: In the field of quantitative and qualitative growth of companies, there are two attitudes, the first is to promote existing knowledge-based companies and the second is to create new companies. Creating a new company takes time and requires at least a 5-year opportunity.

Helping to create knowledge-based companies in the new knowledge-based evaluation system

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy continued: Considering that we are reaching the saturation stage in knowledge-based companies and in a short time all companies with knowledge-based capacity will join this ecosystem, the definition of new knowledge-based companies and greenhouse support of this companies with less than 50 employees and less than 5 years of age, with the aim of supporting the creation of newly established companies by using university graduates, professors and elites, have been taken into consideration in the form of the new evaluation system of knowledge-based companies.

He added: The new evaluation system for knowledge-based companies has been designed with the aim of targeting the flow of support, and it is expected that this new system will be operational by June of this year. The criteria for evaluating and approving the qualifications of companies in this system is the degree of effectiveness of the company, processes, key and capable human resources of the companies, as well as the growth rate of the companies.

The role of the vice-presidency of science as an intermediary institution in the knowledge-based field

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, stating that the dispersion of work in the field of knowledge-based economy is due to the existence of conflicting policies and approaches of law and policy enforcers, said: the multiplicity of actors is not the cause of this dispersion in any way, and by the way, the activities of universities, science and technology parks, innovation centers and other players in this arena show the dynamism of this ecosystem and it is a promising thing. Dispersed policies should move in a clear and specific path by combining decision makers and implementers of these strategies so that all activists and key actors are guided in the right direction and provide their best output.

Referring to the definition of program-oriented knowledge-based economy technology development headquarters, Dehghani said: two categories of strategic technology development headquarters and knowledge-based economy development headquarters have been defined according to the special mission of the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy. The headquarters of strategic technologies development, and support of up-to-date and developing technologies, follow the movement at the edge of this knowledge and technologies according to the future needs of the country. However, knowledge-based economy development headquarters have been established with specific subject orientations, considering their importance at the global level and territorial advantages. If the policies, programs and strategies of the country act in the direction of the approach and policies of these headquarters, we will definitely witness more coordination and synergy and as a result significant growth in the field of knowledge-based economy.

Paying attention to the areas of strategic technologies based on importance and efficiency

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, stating that we are looking for a balanced development of technology development headquarters and knowledge-based economy development headquarters, added: Considering the capacity of the headquarters, we are trying to make the headquarters into bright and influential names in the country, especially the economy.

Dehghani continued: In addition to being among the global priorities, visa headquarters are active in issues that are part of global trends and are important for the country. Some headquarters have been able to achieve a significant number of achievements and the headquarters will operate in the new period based on their needs, performance and outputs.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, pointing out that nearly 40% of companies have been formed in the field of communication technologies and microelectronics, which can be attributed to the serious development of these businesses over a period of time, adding: 50% of these companies are active in the field of software and the rest in the field of hardware, which shows that there are very good capacities in this field.

Stating that the headquarters in the Vice-Presidency of Science are not structures and operate in the form of strategic and executive plans, he said: the headquarters are managed by at least 3 to 5 people and the implementation of projects is done by companies.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy, the penetration of technology and innovation into priority areas, including water, is one of the priorities of this vice-presidency and said: Based on this necessity, the Water, Climate and Environment Technology Development Headquarters, in the Vice-Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy was given the mission to take charge of the development of this field.

Dehghani continued: Water is a key issue in the world, managed by extraction technology and placed in the recycling process. The headquarters has the duty to take steps in discovering new management resources and promoting water efficiency technologies. The goal of the headquarters will be to optimize consumption and increase the level of savings, help to increase productivity and the correct and efficient exploitation of water resources, and in line with this policy, knowledge-based and technological companies active in this field will be supported.


Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90921

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